Scientific Biographies
Science is a human pursuit. Meet the people behind some of the most significant achievements and discoveries in the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.
Jonas Salk and Albert Bruce Sabin
In the 1950s Salk and Sabin developed separate vaccines—one from killed virus and the other from live virus—to combat the dreaded polio disease.

Donald A. Tomalia
b. 1938

Jacobus Henricus van’t Hoff
1852 - 1911

William Walker
1869 - 1934

James Watson
b. 1928

Harvey Washington Wiley
1844 - 1930

Maurice Wilkins
1916 - 2004

Friedrich Wöhler
1800 - 1882

David T. Wong
b. 1935

Robert Burns Woodward
1917 - 1979

Rosalyn Yalow
1921 - 2011

Karl Ziegler
1898 - 1973
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