Reut Ullman
Cain Postdoctoral Fellow
Reut Ullman is a historian of early modern science, with a focus on the history of Russian chymistry. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Science History Institute, she will undertake a comparative study of Russian artisanal recipes to reconstruct the intellectual and practical artisanal traditions upon which these recipes drew. Doing so will allow her to map out the nodes of influence that connect Early Modern Rus’ to European, Mediterranean, and other non-western European traditions, thereby redrawing the maps of practical scientific exchange, and recovering a space in which European and non-European artisanal epistemologies played an active role. Reut earned her PhD in history from Columbia University in 2024. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the chemical practices, practitioners, and ideas across a multiplicity of sites as they expanded, diversified, and entered the scholarly domain in the course of the eighteenth century in Russia. Reut’s dissertation research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, The Jerrold Seigel Fellowship in Intellectual and Cultural History, and the Harriman Institute.