Staff & Fellows

Alexis J. Pedrick
Director of Digital Engagement; Podcast Cohost

Kate Perkins
Staff Accountant

Jim Wynter Porter
University of Oslo Fellow in Residence

Laura Prewitt
Museum Educator

Sara Ray
Director of Institutional Partnerships

Sarabella Rocha
Conference Center Event Coordinator

Jonathan Rochkind
Software Developer/Technical Lead

Dana Rodriguez
Senior Manager of Communications

Eddie Rubeiz
Library Applications Developer

Molly Sampson
Head of Collections Management and Registration

Sarah Schneider
Program Associate, Center for Oral History

Grace Sharples Cooke
Director, Office of the President

Patrick H. Shea
Chief Curator of Archives and Manuscripts

Jesse Smith
Director of Curatorial Affairs

Eugene Stark
Facilities Director

Shuko Tamao
Cain Curatorial Fellow

Vaughn Tempesta
Visitor Engagement Manager

Roger Turner
Curator of Instruments and Artifacts

Juliette Ullman
Executive Assistant, Office of the President

Brigitte Van Tiggelen
Director, International Affairs

James Voelkel
Curator of Rare Books

Jessica Wade
Annual Fund Manager

Tyree Wright
Maintenance Technician

Gabriela Zoller
Director of Library Services